Why Do Bengal Cats Meow So Much? How to Get Them To Stop

Bengal cats are known as one of the most vocal breeds there are. If you’re thinking about getting a Bengal or you already own one, you might be wondering what causes them to meow so much. What are they trying to tell you, and what can you do when they are meowing too much?

Why Do Bengal Cats Meow So Much?

Like any cat, excessive meowing is a sign of boredom, but it can also show happiness or affection. Bengals require a lot of attention and will be highly vocal until they get what they want. 

How Do I Tell What Is Causing My Bengal to Meow?

As mentioned, meowing can be a sign of all sorts of different things. So we’re going to cover some of the most likely reasons for a Bengal to meow.


Many Bengal’s tendencies to vocalize depend on whether their parents were noisy felines and suggest that it will be a quieter kitten if you choose a kitten with quiet parents.

Before choosing a kitten from a litter, you may want to find out whether its parents are noisy or not. Of course, this doesn’t mean that your kitten will be vocal. But there’s a reasonable probability that it will mimic its parent’s behaviors.

They also suggest that meowing is a result of domestication, and the wilder Bengals meow less as a survival strategy. Domesticated Bengals tend to vocalize more, keen to communicate with their humans about everything that is going on in their lives.


Bengal cats are an energetic, intelligent breed of cat, which means they need a lot of stimulation and attention. 

They will not be happy being left in a room all day long with nothing to do and nothing to entertain them.

They will let you know when they are bored or frustrated by meowing. This is an attempt to both alleviate the boredom and to let you know something is wrong. 

If your Bengal paces restlessly and gets into mischief as an accompaniment to its meowing, it is bored, and you need to set aside some time to play with and entertain it.

Don’t just ignore bored meowing; a bored Bengal will often get into trouble while seeking entertainment. Also, a bored Bengal is deeply unhappy and needs you to engage with it just as much as it needs food and water. 

Don’t ignore boredom; it’s as important to meet this requirement as your pet’s physical needs.


Bengals are big eaters, and they meow a lot when they are hungry or if they notice you’re preparing food. They are highly food motivated and will hassle you to fill their bowl if it has been empty for longer than they like.

It’s essential to keep a Bengal’s food where they cannot easily access it because they are clever cats, and they will get into it themselves if given the opportunity. 

Feeling Left Out

These beautiful felines dislike closed doors and will spend a lot of time meowing if they feel they are being excluded from something. 

It can be frustrating when you’re trying to get something done without a furry friend “helping” you out, but it’s essential to understand the behavior.

Bengals like to be in the same room as their humans and will often follow their owners around the home, watching what they are doing and getting involved if they can. 

You may be able to calm your Bengal by simply letting it sit in the same room, or they may want you to pay attention to them specifically.

Bengals can be a little jealous of other pets, so if you’re giving all your attention to another, expect some meowing and attempts to reclaim your attention, and respond to these with gentleness and love; this will reassure your Bengal of its place.

Feeling Friendly

Bengal cats love to interact with their people, and they will often meow to talk to you. If you’re new to Bengals, it will take time to understand what they are trying to say. However, as you continue talking to them over time, you’ll realize what they are trying to tell you.

They may indicate their affection by curling around your legs, rubbing their cheeks on you, purring, pawing at you, wagging their tail, etc., as well as meowing. Pay attention to their tail language, as it will tell you exactly what they want.

If your Bengal has food and water and all their other needs met, meowing will often indicate friendliness and a request for attention and interaction. So spend a bit of quality time with them and enjoy the companionship.

Ignoring your Bengal when it is feeling friendly will usually result in louder and more persistent meowing. Often accompanied by headbutting and other noises. So it’s usually best to give in and let your cat have your focus!

Their Litter Tray Is Dirty

Like most cats, Bengals are very clean felines, and they don’t like their litter tray to be left dirty. Once it has been used, they will usually let you know it needs cleaning by vocalizing loudly. 

You should clean the box promptly so that the cat doesn’t reject it as being too dirty for use.

Can I Encourage My Bengal to Meow Less?

You might be wondering if you can get your Bengal cat to tone down the noise a bit – and yes, if you can figure out what it needs and solve it, that will usually get it to stop meowing for a while.

Pay attention to the body language that accompanies the different meows. Also check-off from the above list to ensure their needs are met.

If your Bengal is still meowing when they have food, water, a clean tray, and lots of attention and love. It could be because they have seen something exciting like a bird or feel something has threatened their territory. 

Usually, however, it will be due to boredom.

Distract your kitty by playing with and cuddling it lots. Give it plenty to think about and buy some toys you can rotate to keep your cat interested in them. 

Puzzles are good for these intelligent felines. So set up some challenges for them to solve, especially if you have to leave them alone for a while.

If you are out a lot and can’t give your Bengal much time, consider getting a different pet or getting your Bengal a playmate for more companionship. 

This should be done carefully, with respect for both animals’ needs and personalities, to ensure they get along.

Should I Worry About the Meowing?

Meowing is very common among Bengal cats, but it could indicate that something is wrong. On the other hand, if your Bengal keeps meowing persistently and you have met all its needs, it may be time for a visit to the vet. 

This is particularly true if your cat seems lethargic and has lost its appetite.

A vet can check your Bengal for common health issues and make sure they are alright, so it’s best to check if you are concerned for any reason.

Final Word

Bengal cats are famous for meowing a lot at the slightest provocation so you had better be prepared for this if you plan to own one! 

However, the meowing is usually an attempt to tell you something. So pay attention to what your cat is saying and use this understanding to meet its needs.

After a while, you should be able to distinguish a food request from a desire to play. You’ll also learn the accompanying body language that goes along with what your feline friend wants.

This should make it much easier for you to get your pet whatever it is asking for. Which may help end the meowing!

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