Can Bengal Cats Eat Apples? Do Apples Make Great Bengal Food?

The old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” makes eating apples a healthy snack around our house. Apples have many benefits for us, so it’s normal for a pet owner to ask “Can Bengal cats eat apples?”

Can Bengal Cats Eat Apples?

Yes, apples are not toxic to cats. The fruit has several vitamins and nutrients that can be beneficial for your feline friend. However, like all human food and snacks, apples, etc should be fed in moderation and not all parts of the fruit are safe for consumption.

Cat and dog owners know how hard it is to eat something without giving a taste to their furry friend. Especially, when your Bengal cat meows uncontrollably. In this article, we’ll discuss why apples can make a great snack. How much and how to feed your feline friend. As well as some of the downsides of feeding your Bengal apples.

Are There Any Benefits to Feeding Apples to Bengal Cats?

Apples contain several nutrients and are often referred to as the “miracle food” or “a nutritional powerhouse.” They are low in calories, high in Vitamin C and fiber.

But can giving your cat apples keep the veterinarian away?

Unfortunately, cats have digestive systems that differ from that of humans. Meaning that feeding your cat apples won’t make them healthier. In fact, it could actually hurt them and cause them to suffer from digestive issues, which we talk about below.

Cats are “obligate omnivores”, meaning their diet should consist of meat in some form. as they can’t get their required nutrition from plant sources.

If your Bengal is eating high-quality cat food, you won’t have to worry about supplements to ensure they are getting their daily requirements.

That said, apples can make a healthy low-calorie snack that is full of antioxidants that may be healthier than other feline snacks on the market.

Are Apples Safe for Bengals?

As long as your Bengal cat doesn’t suffer from diabetes, allergies, or other health issues, they should be fine with an occasional taste. Every cat is unique and some cats will react differently than others.

If your cat has never eaten anything but cat food, you will want to start off slowly. Monitor them closely to ensure they don’t choke or have any negative reactions.

Nutritional Information

Apples are highly nutritious fruit. The nutritional value will vary from different varieties of apples such as Granny Smith, Ambrosia, Pink Pearl and etc. According to the USDA, 100 grams of a raw Gala apple with skin contains the following:

Calcium, Ca7mg
Protein0.13 grams
Water84.6 grams
Thiamin0.011 mg
Phosphorous, P8mg
Sodium, Na0mg
Sucrose1.72 grams
Vitamin B-60.032 mg
Fat 0.14 grams
Fiber2.1 grams
Energy61 kcal
Magnesium, Mg5 milligrams
Copper, Cu0.034mg
Sugars11.3 grams

Can Bengal Kittens Eat Apples?

Kittens that are less than eight months old and haven’t switched to adult food, should not be fed apples or human food. Young kittens in the crucial development stage and require a healthy diet to ensure proper growth and development.

Digestive Problems From Eating Apples

The biggest concern when feeding your cat apples is an upset tummy and cyanide poisoning.

While cyanide poisoning is not very common in dogs and cats, it is possible. As a pet parent, you should know the signs and symptoms of cyanide toxicity. Below are the symptoms of cyanide toxicity:

  • Vomiting
  • Diluted pupils
  • Dark red colored gums
  • Heavy panting
  • Difficulty breathing

The symptoms of cyanide poisoning will typically occur about 10-20 minutes after the cat has been exposed to the toxin. If you notice any of the above symptoms, you will want to take your cat to the emergency clinic or to their vet immediately.

Can Bengal Cats Eat Apple Seeds and Stems?

No, the seeds, stems, and leaves contain amygdaline, which is a substance that releases cyanide when chewed and digested. According to Medical News Today, the seeds pose a potential threat to humans when eaten in large quantities. However, your cat is much smaller than you, therefore, can be affected if allowed to eat one or two seeds.

Can Bengal Cats Eat Apple Cores and Skin?

The skin is safe for your cat to consume and it is high in phytonutrients. That said, most cats will prefer the flesh of the apple as opposed to the skin. The skin can be tough for felines to chew.

However, since the skin is high in nutrients, you may want to see if your cat will eat some.

Can Bengal Cats Eat Applesauce?

Yes, as long as it doesn’t contain any artificial preservatives and high amounts of sugar. Homemade applesauce is the best type to feed your feline friend. When making applesauce to share with your cat, avoid using any sweeteners, cinnamon, nutmeg, and other spices as they can be toxic to your kitty.

How to Feed Apple to Your Bengal Cat?

Go to your supermarket or backyard and pick an organic apple. Wash the apple thoroughly with water, to ensure it doesn’t contain any harmful pesticides which can poison your kitty.

Cut the apple into small bite-size pieces that are easy to chew. Your cat’s kibble should be used as a reference of how small pieces are easy for your cat to manage.

Remember to remove the seeds, core, stem, and leaves. You may want to remove the skin to make it easier for your cat to consume.

Don’t feed your cat apples daily. Instead, use this snack as an occasional treat. Apples contain 84.6 grams of water, so it makes it a great treat on a hot summer day to help keep your Bengal cat hydrated.

Never feed your cat apples or any other snacks unless you can monitor them while they eat the snack. If you notice any unusual behaviors or reactions, stop feeding them immediately.

How Many Apples Should You Feed A Bengal Cat?

Your cat’s snacks should consist of no more than 10% of their daily calories. Before feeding your cat, you will want need to figure out how many calories they are currently consuming.

Feeding your Bengal cat too many calories will lead to obesity and other health issues.

Alternatives to Apples for Bengal Cats

As a pet owner, it’s important to know which snacks are safe for your feline friend. If you’re looking for some healthy snacks you can share with your friend, you may want to consider these fruits and vegetables.

Final Word

When fed in moderation, apples can make a healthy snack for both you and your Bengal cat. Apples are not a part of a complete and balanced diet for cats, so they shouldn’t be a big part of their diet.

If you’re unsure if your Bengal cat is receiving the proper nutrients required from the food she eats, consult with your veterinarian. They will be able to answer all your concerns and questions, as well as help you come up with the proper diet for your best friend!

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