What Sounds Do Bengal Cats Make? [And What They Mean?]

Cats have an impressive array of communication, similar to dolphins and birds. While dogs can produce around ten different noises, cats can make up to 100. There’s no exact science to understanding precisely what these noises mean, but there are clues you can look out for to help you communicate with your feline friend.

This article will look at the range of noises your Bengal cat makes and help you understand what they’re trying to communicate through their vocalizations.

What Is The Most Common Sound A Bengal Cat Makes?

Like all cats, the most common vocalization for a Bengal is a meow. Cats use meows primarily to communicate with humans rather than animals, so this sound generally means that your cat wants something from you.

While wild cats quickly learn to look after themselves, domesticated cats view themselves more like children. They believe they should be looked after (meaning they expect you to provide food, shelter, and entertainment).

A short, quick meow is most often a call for attention and affection, while a more extended meow can signify anger, pain, or even loneliness. Younger cats who vocalize often want something from you, but when older Bengal cats vocalize a lot, it could signify that they are experiencing anxiety.

Why Does My Bengal Purr?

One of the best vocalizations for any cat parent to hear is a gentle purring, which just about guarantees that your cat is happy and enjoying your presence.

Purring is associated with positive experiences such as relaxing, grooming, and being friendly. The average purr has a frequency between 25 and 150 Hertz, so most of us can hear the purr as humans have an average range of 20 to 20,000 Hertz, and of course, we can feel the soft vibrations.

But the vibrations aren’t only for our benefit; these soft movements can provide a therapeutic effect for your cat and aid them in pain relief, muscle repair, and better breathing.

The only time that purring could cause concern is if your cat’s body is tense at the time. This could signal a feeling of anxiety. If this is the case, there are many ways to help your cat relax, such as catnip, a plant that contains a safe chemical to leave your cat feeling blissful. 

What Does It Mean When My Bengal Cat Chirps?

Though cats are most famous for meowing and purring, they make many other vocal sounds; one of the cutest is the chirp sound. Of course, Bengals are not the only cats that chirp; most breeds possess the ability to produce this lovely noise.

While many cats can make the noise, Bengal cats are likely to practice it more than the average cat; vocalizing it more frequently and at a louder volume.

The principal reason a cat chirps is that some form of prey, such as a mouse, bird, or squirrel, has caught its eye. The chirp is not a sound that cats use for hunting; instead, it is a sound that expresses their excitement at finding something to hunt. 

Many cats will chirp when viewing small prey, but a Bengal will likely make this noise when they’re excited about their food or toy. In rare cases, they might even make this noise if they are excited to see you.

What Does It Mean If My Bengal Is Chattering?

Also referred to as chittering or twittering, a chatter is similar to a chirp, and you’ll often hear your Bengals make this sound when prey is nearby.

What Does It Mean If My Bengal Yowls?

The yowl of a Bengal is similar to its meow, which can sometimes lead owners to confuse the two. The main difference is that a yowl is a long-form meow whose meaning is quite different.

When a cat yowls, it often signifies anxiety or worries, and you may need to give your feline some space and a place where they can feel safe. However, if the yowl is constant and goes on for more than a couple of days, it may be a sign that your pet is in pain, and a trip to the vet is required.

Additional reasons for a yowl include mating calls, lack of cognitive ability due to aging or your cat feeling ignored. The latter is most common when introducing a new person or pet to your household. If this is the case, ensure your Bengal maintains the same amount of attention from you and that you provide plenty of treats and toys in their environment.

What Is A Caterwaul, And What Does It Mean?

A caterwaul is a hollow version of a yowl. This is a sound that females make when they are in heat, particularly unspayed females who will do everything in their power to get outside and find a male.

Why Is My Bengal Screaming?

The most common cause of screaming in cats comes from the females when they mate. If you possess an unspayed female who goes outside caterwauling, her vocalizations may soon turn to screaming once she attracts a mate.

The other reason a cat screams is if they are in the middle of a fight. In this case, they will often accompany it with a yowl as a sign that they have been swatted or bitten by another cat.

If you hear these sounds coming from your Bengal, it’s a good idea to find them and check on their wellbeing. The best way to avoid these unwanted behaviors is to keep your Bengal indoors unless proper supervision is outside.

What Does It Mean If My Bengal Hisses?

A hiss is a clear form of communication from your Bengal that is getting ready to fight. One of the most common occurrences for a cat to hiss is when a dog is around or your cat feels threatened.

You may also notice that your feline’s fur stands on end; its body is arched and bares its teeth. If your cat is generally happy and relaxed, you won’t hear them hiss too much. However, if they hiss frequently, it could show signs of abuse. 

Also, if you adopt a stray cat, they could be more prone to hissing, as cats who have lived on the streets are more aggressive than those brought up in a house.

What Does It Mean If My Bengal Growls?

Growling is one of the strongest vocalizations your cat can make; while it is higher-pitched than its larger relatives, such as the lion or tiger, this sound sends a clear message that your cat feels in danger.

Bengals often accompany growls with a hiss and extremely aggressive body language. If your cat is behaving in this way, it’s essential to figure out the cause of the behavior. If a large dog is present at the time, then it’s pretty obvious, but if your cat behaves in this way when it’s at home with no threats present, you may want to consult your vet.

Final Thoughts

Understanding your Bengal can improve your relationship with them as you anticipate their moods, needs, and intentions. In this way, you can know whether they are happy or sad, hungry or playful, curious or sleepy. 

You can feel content that you are meeting the needs of your furry friend, while your Bengal will be happy to know that you understand the messages it is communicating to you.

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