While the entire puzzle—concerning the Ragdoll’s bloodline—has never been completely pieced together. Many believe that Siamese cats were involved with the initial breeding process that ultimately produced the Ragdoll cat.
Since Ragdolls are so vocal. It’s probably no coincidence that you’ll find Siamese cats on the top of all of the “most vocal cats” lists available. While the Ragdoll is never on these lists. Siamese cats are. Which may be a partial explanation.
Ragdolls are very vocal cats. They don’t seem to be making the top lists of the most vocal cats. But nevertheless, they can be pretty loud while almost seeming to make some sort of lyrical, communicative sense.
It’s as if they’re trying to speak, albeit in some alien language sort of way.
On the flip side, a sizeable group claims Ragdolls are one of the quietest breeds out there. The truth is if your Ragdoll is being vocal, there’s likely to be a harmless reason behind it.
Reasons Ragdolls Meow
Cats are vocal when something is wrong or want something from you. Dogs whine in the back of their throats, bark, and half-bark.
Cats meow, mew, and make those funny, vibrating noises in the back of their throats that is decidedly not a purr. Let’s take a closer look at some of the other reasons a Ragdoll makes the noises and what it means.
They Want Your Attention
If you know anything about Ragdolls, you would know that their most dominant trait is closeness. Ragdolls are essentially a walking, living, breathing blanket that only waits for you to reach a point where you are sitting or laying down before it drapes itself over you.
Meowing is a way for Ragdolls to alert you to the fact that it’s time to pay your Ragdoll a little bit of attention. Over 90% of all of the meows, cooing, and general vocal activity that comes from your Ragdoll wanting attention.
This is because that’s the kind of cat a Ragdoll is.
The dominant feature of a Ragdoll is the overwhelming desire to be the center of your world because you are the center of theirs. Ragdolls love to remind you of this fact every time that you go too long without interacting with it.
Your Ragdoll is Hungry
Of course, this can really be said about all cats. But you have to consider if your Ragdoll is vocalizing more than normal. Anytime a cat is hungry, they’re going to let you know about it. Other than batting you upside the head with a paw or two, it’s the only way they can.
However, with a Ragdoll, everything is wrapped up in what you’re doing. So while a standard house cat may meow loudly in the kitchen as you go about your day elsewhere, A Ragdoll is going to follow you around and meow.
They’ll meow outside of your shower. Next to your bed, under your feet, as you brush your teeth. Or outside the bathroom door as you use the restroom.
But, instead of the distant meowing of a hungry cat. You’ll get an “in your face” meow until you dump some food in that bowl.
Your Ragdoll is Frustrated
Perhaps you’re on the back porch, and the door is closed. So your Ragdoll has a door between you and it. They will often let off a fairly rapid series of meows just out of pure frustration. And it doesn’t have to just be a separation from you that causes it.
A Ragdoll will meow because it is frustrated that normal mealtime has come and gone with no food. That you won’t let it follow you around. Or if there is a particular toy that it no longer has access to.
Many things can frustrate and get your Ragdoll to start vocalizing. While a meowing, frustrated Ragdoll isn’t a frequent thing. It can happen if it gets blustered enough to let you know about it.
Of course, if a Ragdoll cat is hurt or hurting. It will undoubtedly meow about it to let you know, and if you can’t find any other reason for your cat to meow like this, or if it’s unusual for your Ragdoll, you’ll want to check it for injury.
- Changes in your Ragdolls breathing
- Lethargic (no longer following you around)
- Any apparent change in behavior
- Limping around
- No longer eating
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Loses a lot of weight or gains a lot of weight quickly
- Eye and nose discharge
These are all things that you should immediately report to your vet.
Unless the cat is in an emergency situation, call first, as your vet can advise you whether or not it is worth coming in. However, a sudden and ongoing change is definitely an emergency, so don’t hesitate.
Lethargic behavior may be more challenging to assess since Ragdolls are notoriously laid-back, almost lazy cats who love to lay around a cat nap on your lap.
It will have to be something that’s out of the ordinary for you to notice, and excessive meowing could be the first sign that something is wrong.
Limping around is a dead giveaway, but it is not always easy to know if a bone is broken. It could be a stress fracture, and that’s not something that you’re going to easily detect by moving your Ragdoll’s leg around.
No longer eating is a warning sign as well, especially if you have been very routine in feeding your Ragdoll and it’s meowing next to a bowl full of untouched food.
Diarrhea and vomiting will often accompany rapid weight loss for obvious reasons. If your Ragdoll is doing both and not eating and it persists for longer than 24 hours, it’s time to get ahold of your vet.
The reverse of that—excessive weight gain—is a lot like diarrhea, vomiting, and extreme weight loss. Unless you’re a vet, all you can do is notice these things, Especially if it is associated with a lot of new, out-of-character meowing, and call your vet as soon as possible to get your Ragdoll in for a visit.
Eye and nose discharge are indicative of so many things. First, they’re obvious signs of an illness, and if your Ragdoll is meowing a lot to go along with it, there is something going on.
Types of Meows
Ragdolls can only communicate with you in a limited variety of ways, but the way they meow can indicate certain things.
- A rapid, single meow is essentially “hello”
- Long, drawn-out meows usually indicate hunger
- A really high-tone meow means your Ragdoll is startled or injured
- Excitability is typically associated with several meows, back-to-back
Of course, “meow types” are certainly not set in stone. The longer you are with your Ragdoll, and the more time you spend with it, the better you will understand its particular mannerisms and vocalizations and the better it will understand yours.
Ragdolls demand a lot of your time and attention, so if you are as involved with your Ragdoll as you should be, you’ll pick up on these things in time.
Final Thoughts
Ragdolls can meow for a large variety of reasons. And even one of the world’s most laid-back cats may meow from time to time just to get your attention.
As aforementioned, the longer you are with your Ragdoll, the more you will pick up and understand its personality and communications.
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