Males Vs. Female Bengal Cats [Similarities and Differences]

Choosing which breed of cat to buy is a big decision, and once you buy a Bengal, you’ll want to consider which gender best suits your home. Regardless of sex, Bengals tend to have similar personalities, but there is a slight difference, particularly in their physical build, affection, aggressiveness, etc.

Keep reading to discover the physical and characteristic traits of each gender to help you understand which will make the best pet for you.

Should I Choose A Male Or Female Bengal?

While there are pros and cons to each gender of Bengal, most make a friendly, energetic, and intelligent pet regardless of whether they’re male or female. Both require a little more attention than the average breed, so ensure you have plenty of time to play with them.

When we talk about male and female Bengal traits, we generalize across the sexes, and it’s important to remember that each cat can present its own characteristics separate from these generalizations.

Another critical factor determining a Bengal’s personality is whether or not they have been neutered or spayed. 

If left untreated, their bodies will be full of sex hormones which may cause them to roam and be irritable or aggressive.

Imagine if someone told you that you could never have sex or any form of release. The feelings you would experience are no different from that of your feline friend, so getting them treated is an excellent way to mellow out their personalities and keep them happy and healthy.

The generalized traits of male and female Bengals are listed below.

TraitMale BengalFemale Bengal
Energy LevelsThe male is often more energetic than the female cat.The female usually has a calmer disposition than a male cat.
Physical ShapeBigger build than the female with more muscle.

Average weight: 14-18 pounds
Thinner, more slender build than a male.

Average weight: 10-14 lbs
SociabilityGreater likelihood of bonding with another cat, either male or female.More defensive when introduced to other cats, pets, or people.
ProsMore affectionate, less defensive,
highly intelligent and sociable.
Calmer, more relaxed, possesses a motherly protective instinct. Loyal and easy to please.
ConsMales can be destructive if they’re not
given adequate attention. Unneutered males
will often spray items in your home;
they are also more likely to stray.
Females tend to cling to one person and claim then as their “person.” Can be possessive.
Older females find it hard to coexist with new, younger females.
Cats that aren’t spayed can be highly vocal when in heat.
More likely to become obese.
Non-spayed cats are prone to behavioral changes.

Are Male Bengal Cats More Affectionate Than Female Bengals?

In general, experts believe that male Bengal cats are affectionate with a wider variety of people, including other pets. In contrast, the female Bengal often picks one person as their “favorite” and can display defensive behavior towards others.

Female Bengals possess the qualities to be just as affectionate as males, though their affection may be more limited, and guests to your house may not receive the same treatment that you do. 

It’s common for females to experience jealousy when other cats or people receive attention from their person.

Male Bengals aren’t any more affectionate than females, they express themselves differently, but both make incredibly loving pets.

Are Male Bengal Cats More Aggressive Than Female Bengals?

Breeders only domesticated Bengals in the 1970s, and they possess the ancestry of the wild leopard, so, understandably, they have a few lingering wild traits.

Both sexes can be territorial and fight for their territory if they believe it is under threat. However, the males are generally more aggressive if they aren’t neutered. 

Unneutered males will follow their instinct to find a female and won’t let anything get in their way. So if you want to prevent aggression or fighting, neutering a male is best.

Keeping a Bengal with its mother for the first 8-12 weeks helps them learn good social skills and teaches them how to behave appropriately.

In addition, ensure that your Bengals have plenty of vertical climbing space. They are keen jumpers and need stimulation to avoid becoming bored and irritable.

What Are The Differences Between Male And Female Bengal Cats?

One of the main differences between male and female Bengals is their size. The average male is 9-13 inches tall and 14-18 pounds. The average female is 8-12 inches tall and 10-14 pounds.

Neutered males rarely demonstrate aggression and make the perfect pet for families or seniors as they would rather run away than attack if unhappy.

Males have a particular fascination with food, and dinner time will become a highlight of their day, so it’s essential to keep a good routine around this.

Females are also energetic and social but are more dependent than males. In addition, females carry a natural maternal instinct, making them particularly gentle around children. Still, they can be unsure of new people introduced into a home (such as a baby born after their arrival).

This maternal instinct gives a female Bengal a higher intuitive awareness. It’s not that they are more intelligent than males; they just have a greater awareness of their surroundings and a nurturing instinct.

While both genders are susceptible to hereditary health issues, females are at risk of more health issues such as ovarian cysts, uterine infections, and ovarian cancer.

What Are The Similarities Between Male And Female Bengal Cats?

Both genders of Bengal cats are agile and athletic, making them faster runners and better climbers than the average domestic cat. However, they all require a suitable environment that meets their needs and a diet rich in protein, fiber, and fat to maintain their high energy levels.

Male and female Bengals are highly intelligent and relatively easy to train, though you must persevere to get the best results. You can teach a Bengal to toilet wherever you wish and walk outside on a leash with patience and determination. 

Both come with many hereditary health issues such as rabies, calicivirus, panleukopenia, and rhinotracheitis. But you can prevent many of these bacterial and viral infections through vaccinations. 

Are Male Or Female Bengal Cats Nicer?

Male and female Bengals make equally lovable pets, but some key differences exist, which we’ll discuss below. 

A male is an excellent option if you’re looking for a cat who is open to meeting and bonding with new people and animals. They will act indiscriminately with family members and are often slightly easier to train on a leash.

A female is an excellent option if you’re looking for a loyal cat who will likely pick a favorite person and become their pet. Females bond deeper than males, but their love is more selective. Female Bengals also tend to be slightly more independent.

Are Male Or Female Bengals Bigger?

Male Bengals tend to be larger than females, who are far more slender in build.

Size is the main differentiating factor when it comes to Bengal gender. At times, the male can be double the size and weight of the female. But, while the male is bigger and very strong, he will often adapt to new people better and is gentle, even with children who might be a bit rough.

The male is slightly taller than the female and much more muscular. The female has a better-defined neck with a slimmer, more sculpted body. However, some females can have a large muscular frame depending on their bloodlines.

Should The Gender Of Other Pets Affect My Choice Of Bengal?

If you have other pets in your home, their gender will have no impact on the gender of Bengal that you choose. It’s more important to focus on individual personality and energy levels to find a suitable match for your home.

Final Word

If your Bengal is spayed or neutered, there won’t be too many differences in personality and temperament. All Bengals are energetic and friendly cats, so you must provide an enriching environment for this breed rather than worrying about whether your cat is male or female.

In most cases, the sex is less of a concern for an owner; the most important thing is to make sure that you select the right breed to welcome into your home.

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