How Do You Know If My Persian Cat Loves Me?

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if a cat loves you. While they do have readable body language. It is very different from the language of people or even other animals. So if you’re looking at your Persian cat and wondering how to tell if it loves you, there are a few good indicators of affection!

How Do You Know If My Persian Cat Loves Me?

Many signs of affection overlap with those shown by other cats: your Persian may knead you, purr, rub against you, blink slowly at you, and possibly even groom you! It can take Persians some time to warm up to people, but they are highly affectionate and loving once they have.

This article will cover some of the most common behaviors your Persian will display to show you they love you. That said, you need to learn how to read a cat’s body language, as they can’t come out and say, “I love You.”

That said if you’ve been thinking about getting a Persian cat, but want to know why they look angry all the time, read this article.

Signs Your Persian Cat Loves You


You may be familiar with this behavior, and there are many cute names for it online, such as “making biscuits.” Not all cats do it, but many do, and it’s thought to be a remnant of kitten behavior.

Kittens knead their mothers to get their milk, and certain felines display this behavior as adults to show they are relaxed, happy, etc. If your Persian is kneading at your lap, take it as a sign of affection, even if it’s a little painful sometimes! This behavior shows they feel very bonded and safe with you.

You may also see them doing this on furniture, cushions, or blankets. It might not be your favorite behavior as it can snag the fabric, but it does mean your cat is content and relaxed, and when it’s done to you, it’s a sign that you are considered family.


We’re all familiar with the cat’s purr as a way of showing happiness, so it may not surprise you to learn that a purring Persian is a pleased Persian. If your Persian’s little “motor” gets going when you pet it, or when you start a grooming session, you’ll know it’s happy, and it loves you – and wants to show it!

Rubbing On You

Many cats rub up against the people (and things) that they love, and again, Persians are no exception to this rule. Why do they do it? Well, it’s partly because they enjoy physical contact, but there’s more to it than that.

Cats have scent glands in their faces, and they are transferring this scent to you. They are essentially telling other beings that you are part of their pack and that you belong to them – a sure sign of love!

If your Persian butts at your hands, rubs its face on yours, or winds around your ankles, you know that it loves you and wants everyone else to know it too!

According to PurrCraze, the scent glands can be found on the neck, ears, mouth, chin, and cheeks, so if your cat rubs any part of their head on you, they are probably marking you in this way! You might not have wanted cat-scented perfume, but it certainly means you are adored and “owned” by your feline.

You’re likely to see your cat marking parts of the house by rubbing its cheeks on them too, and cats will mark each other in this way as well.

Slow Blinking

More standard cat language, you might wonder what it means when your cat slow blinks at you and how you should respond. According to WebMD, a cat blinking slowly is a sign of trust and affection.

Cats do not close their eyes around people that they don’t trust, so when your cat looks directly at you and then blinks, it is telling you that it trusts you enough to be vulnerable around you. It trusts that you will not do anything if it lets down its guard.

This slow blink also conveys the affection that accompanies its trust. You can respond in kind, returning the blink with one of your own to show your cat that you acknowledge it and also that you trust it. This will help your cat to feel relaxed, and you will have a very happy, slow-blinking Persian!


If you find that your Persian wants to groom you, you are very honored. This is another sign of trust and affection among cats. Your Persian cares about your health and cleanliness. 

It may be even more significant for Persians than other cats, as they spend a lot of time grooming and paying close attention to their fur condition.

Your cat might groom you as a result of you grooming it, or the gesture may be spontaneous. Enjoy it, and then wash your skin if necessary to clean up afterward.

Wanting To Be Held

Persians like a lot of physical contact and very much enjoy being held – by the right person. A Persian will not enjoy being picked up by someone it doesn’t know and trust, so if your Persian wants you to carry it around, it’s a sure sign that it loves you.

Similarly, if your Persian allows you to pick it up even when it does not particularly want to be held, that’s another indicator of affection. Persians often bond particularly closely with one household member, but they will still enjoy being handled and cuddled by others in the family.

Twitchy Tail

It can be challenging to read the language of a cat’s tail; this is subtle and often confusing. We usually associate a cat’s tail moving with a bad mood, but actually, there are many different kinds of movements, and a twitching tail can be a sign of affection.

If you notice that the tip of your Persian’s tail is twitching in a relaxed, slow manner, it likely means that your cat is waiting for you to pay it some attention. When you do, you’ll probably be greeted by purring and enthusiasm, so take note of the tail and its behavior when your pet is lounging around.

A tail that begins to lash is not such a happy tail, and you may want to take it as a sign that your cat does not currently wish to be petted. 

Other body language, such as flattened ears or tense muscles, are other indicators of this.

Vocal Scolding And Following

Persians may not be as talkative as some cats, but if they want your attention and they aren’t getting it, they’ll let you know. They can be surprisingly loud for such docile creatures, and if they want your affection, they may get under your feet and follow you everywhere.

This is a sure sign that your cat loves you and wants you to spend some time with it. Make sure you find a few minutes to sit down for a cuddle because Persians are very affectionate and like to have quality time with their family members. 

Lots of meowing may mean that you haven’t provided enough cuddles for the day!

Final Word

Knowing whether a cat loves you isn’t always easy, especially at first, but once you have owned your Persian for a while, you will come to recognize its signals of affection. 

The most subtle is probably the slow blink, but all of these signs can be used to understand and feel your Persian’s affection.

Like all cats, Persians love attention, but it has to be on their terms. If your Persian seems stand-offish or irritated, don’t take these as indicators that it no longer loves you – it just wants a bit of space. Leave it alone for a few hours, and you’ll soon be getting purrs and headbutts again!
