Cats are natural predators; they are obligate carnivores, which means they have to rely on their hunting skills to satisfy their protein-rich dietary needs in the wild. The Russian Blue is a loving and friendly domestic pet, but they still possess impressive wild hunting abilities.
There is no doubt that the Russian Blue is an excellent mouser, but what do you do after it catches a mouse? If you live on a farm, can you train this breed to help you rid pets from the area, and what do you do if they refuse to hunt? Continue reading for the answers to these questions and many more.
Can Russian Blue Cats Catch Mice?
Yes, Russian Blue Cats possess many of the same skills that make other cats successful hunters. However, depending on their personality, your cat may or may not be interested in hunting.
Can I Train My Russian Blue To Catch Mice?
Having a cat can be a great advantage when it comes to catching mice, but sometimes they just aren’t interested in pursuing a hunt. However, if you want them to pursue prey, you can make an effort to train them in this skill.
Russian Blue cats love time and attention from their owners and will happily engage in regular playtime with you. If you want to teach your cat to hunt, begin by playing hunting games. Using a string or feather toy, allow your cat to chase and catch its “prey.”
Get creative with these games and make them work to catch their prey. Once they are successful, you can reward them with a treat to let them know that you are pleased with their behavior.
Cats can also benefit from being around older cats that can act as mentors. If you have more than one cat at home and the other is already an experienced hunter, this can work to your advantage. Allow the less experienced mouser to watch the older cat at work, and they will pick up the skill in no time.
When your cat engages in successful hunting behaviors, make sure that you give them plenty of praise and small rewards. The Russian Blue is a real people pleaser and will love to receive extra attention from you. This affection will incentivize them to engage in the same behavior that incites the reward.
If you want your cat to be a good mouser, it must be fit, strong, and agile. Their diet plays a large part in this, so make sure that you feed them the right food in the right amounts to build strong bones and muscles.
Why Isn’t My Russian Blue Catching Mice?
All cats possess the instinct to hunt, but they need to be taught how to engage in this behavior successfully. Their mother usually teaches them this skill at a young age. To begin with, she will bring dead prey to show her babies that it is safe to eat.
Next, she will bring half-dead prey to show her kittens how to kill an animal. Finally, she will bring live prey so that her babies can learn how to hunt and kill for their food. If these skills aren’t taught to a kitten when they’re young, the adult cat won’t know how to hunt.
Are There Dangers In Allowing My Cat To Hunt Rodents?
As with many hobbies and pursuits, there are always some dangers to be aware of. When allowing your Russian Blue to hunt rodents, the main concern is that these rats and mice could have ingested poison and be harmful to your feline to consume.
Ensure that you don’t leave any rat or mice poison around your home to combat this. If you have a mouser, there is no need for poisons, and you could accidentally poison your fur baby in the process.
Never let your cat eat the prey they have caught, even without poison exposure. Many mice carry parasites that can cause diseases and infections in your feline.
What Should I Do Once My Russian Blue Has Caught A Mouse?
Mousing can create quite a mess, plus it carries the potential for transmitted diseases such as toxoplasmosis. A mouse can also carry roundworms, an infection they can pass onto your cat. If you suspect that your cat has eaten vermin, it’s a good idea to get them checked out by a vet.
A Russian Blue may show no physical symptoms of infection, even after they have caught a disease from a rodent.
When your cat returns with its prey, remove and dispose of the body and all its entrails. Reward your Russian Blue with a treat instead.
What Diseases Can Rodents Transmit To My Russian Blue?
Along with toxoplasmosis and roundworms, there are many other diseases that a rodent can transmit to your fur baby.
Yersinia Pestis causes the “Plague” infection, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, fever, and muscle pain. Plus, this infection can cause depression in your feline.
Some rats carry Hantavirus, which can lead to serious health issues for cats, while others have Leptospirosis. This is a very rare disease in cats, but animals can pass it on to humans.
Can I Stop My Russian Blue From Hunting Mice?
It’s in a cat’s natural instinct to hunt, so there’s no easy way to prevent them from doing so. However, you can reduce the number of kills by keeping your cat indoors. Many cats will happily live out their lives as indoor cats; however, they will not like the change if they are used to being allowed outside.
Another way to reduce the number of kills is to add a bell to your cat’s collar. This alerts the prey that they’re coming and reduces your feline’s chances of a successful kill.
Are Some Breeds Of Cat Better Mousers Than Others?
Yes, some breeds such as the Persian, Chartreux, and Maine Coon are known to make better mousers than others. However, just because a cat is a particular breed, it does not guarantee that they will be an excellent mouser; they need to have the personality to match.
When looking for a mousing cat, the best advice is to observe the individual cat instead of the breed; look out for hunting behavior and gather information on the cat’s background.
Look for a cat that has been raised in an environment where hunting is encouraged. Tease a cat with a string toy and see what their response is – chasing, pouncing, and biting are all promising signs that the cat will make a good hunter.
If you’re looking to source an expert mouser, try local farms that may have litters or barn cats available. Alternatively, animal shelters will have an array of cats to choose from, many of whom could have honed in the hunting skills as a means to survive if they were living on the streets.
Final Thoughts
All cats possess a natural hunting instinct, and many are taught how to apply this skill to the real world from a young age. So if you’re looking for a good mouser, the Russian Blue cat is the perfect candidate for the job, but it’s essential to take proper safety precautions to avoid the spread of disease or infection to you or your fur baby.
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